Using smart data and AI to reduce energy and emissions on cruise and ferry vessels

Reduce Emissions

We help cruise and ferry vessels to reduce emissions and contribute to a more sustainable cruise and ferry industry. Since we believe that comfort and sustainability can go together.

Decrease Fuel Costs

By improving the energy efficiency of the vessels we significantly lower the fuel consumption. As such, we help cruise and ferry operators to reduce both costs and emissions.

Comply with Emission Regulations

Emissions and efficiency regulation of vessels is becoming stricter. Our system is retrofitable to older vessels and can be operational within several weeks.

We offer a unique and proven solution to address growing energy and sustainability concerns

How It Works

Increase the energy efficiency of the ship’s climate system

Increase the energy efficiency of the ship’s climate system

We offer a unique solution to increase HVAC efficiency up to 20% and reduce emissions and costs up to 15%.


Real-Time Data Analytics

Real-Time Data Analytics

Our dashboard and reporting tools provide a unique and real-time insight in the HVAC performance.


Fast and low cost installation

Fast and low cost installation

Our hardware to optimize the HVAC system is low-cost, modular and plug ‘n play. Installation is simple and quick and retrofittable to legacy systems.


We are at the brink of a revolution in maritime sustainability; driven by increasing fuel costs, emission regulation and increased sustainability awareness

Start a conversation with us!

We are eager to hear from and you and how we can work together to create a brighter and more sustainable future!